Return function to interpolate a PWD color palette

pwd_pals(palette = "main", reverse = FALSE, ...)

view_pwd_palette(palette = "main", n = NULL, show_hex = TRUE)



Character name of palette in pwd_palettes


Logical, if TRUE the palette is reversed


Additional arguments to pass to colorRampPalette


number of desired levels in palette


logical, if TRUE (default), the hex code will be printed for each color. If a large n is specified, it is recommended to set this to false, as the hex codes become unreadable if n > 100


This function will create a function to interpolate different PWD color palettes. Its main argument, palette, takes any one of the following options: main, main_dark, main_light, highlights, highlights_dark, highlights_light, map, map_dark, map_light, dark, light, or full.

To see what these different palette types look like, use the view_pwd_palette(...) function. You can pass the palette you wish to view and the number of colors you want to see what that palette will look like.


  • view_pwd_palette: Return figure with selected PWD color palette